Friday, December 24, 2010

In Buddhism there is something called "mind-to-mind transmission." It's this: you read a poem, or better yet, write one; struggle with the words and meaning, the rhythms and pulse and then, you get it. Then maybe you read a poem by a poet long dead and there it is: a human being bravely, willfully, dealing with the same moment-in-time, the same situation. And you feel ah! that's it. And you are linked with that man or woman forever. You feel them next to you. Silence ensues, rich with fullness of life as it is. Christmas can be like that. We can feel Jesus that way if we are willing to deal with the same things that Jesus chose to deal with: the open and closed heart; love; fear, life and death. This Christmas, go mind to mind with Jesus; heart to heart with the Christ Spirit within your own heart. Bye for now...and lots of love.

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